Two Courtesans and a Maid

This image is significant because it shows another side to courtesans' lifestyles, and what their life was like while they weren’t entertaining people. So much of their livelihood and success depended on their appearance, so they must have spent a lot of time making sure they looked up to the standards. The two courtesans are each fixing their hair and makeup, while the maid is smoking on the ground. This shows the difference in level of responsibility and the expectations people had for courtesans compared to maids. The pressure to look a certain way ensured that courtesans always focused on their looks, while maids helped out in this goal. They did not have to entertain guests in the same way, but were still a part of the Yoshiwara experience.
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Arianne DeCuir
- typeImage
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- file formatpng
- file size3 MB
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