Atlantiades from Wonder Woman Vol 5 #69

Full description
Wonder Woman, Aphrodite, and Maggie (Honorary Amazon) find themselves in a city where people are free to give in to their sexual desires without abandon. The people are influenced to do so by Cupids. After defeating them, Aphrodite determines that the prime suspect is her son, Atlantiades (Hermaphroditus in Classical Greek Mythology). Atlantiades is not happy when the group confronts them. In the following editions, Atlantiades reveal that they felt slighted by their mother taking their power and cult away. They brought their power and kingdom here (Summergrove) so it could flourish once again. After realizing that following desire blindly is dangerous and that sometimes love means risking your power, Atlantiades helps Wonder Woman and Maggie defeat a colossus, even though it may mean never returning to their realm.
The comic was published April 24, 2019.
- typeImage
- created on
- file formatpng
- file size1 MB
- container titleLove is Battlefield Part 1
- creatorG. Willow Wilson (writer), Bobbie Chase (Executive Editor)
- isbn978-1779500403
- issue
- original publisherDC Comics
- original publisher placeNew York, NY
- publisherDC Comics
- publisher placeNew York, NY
- restrictionsAuthors works are protected for the creators life + 70 years after their death. This is official since January 1, 1978.
- rightsDC Comics, copyright by DC Comics, Volume 5 is headed by Greg Rucka (writer), Liam Sharp (Artist), Laura Martin (Colorist)
- rights holderDC Comics
- rights territoryUS
- series titleWonder Woman
- volume5
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