Circe Offering the Cup to Ulysses by John William Waterhouse

Full description
In this oil painting, created in 1891 by John William Waterhouse, Circe is seen offering a cup of a potion to Ulysses attempting to bring him under her divine control.
Circe was an exceptionally iconic Greek goddess, noted for magical and whimsical abilities. She used witchcraft, including wand-work and cooking up divine potions with herbs and tinctures.
She was essentially the paragon of archetypal mystical feminine sorcery. Her skills even extend to casting spells that turn people into animals. One story in the Odyssey even tells the story of her turning a crew of men into swine.
- typeImage
- created on
- file formatjpeg
- file size103 KB
- copyright statusCopyright status not set
- creatorJohn William Waterhouse
- creditGallery Oldham
- publisherGallery Oldham
- publisher placeUK
- rights territoryUK
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