The Fates/Moirai (Disney Movie-Hercules)

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The GIF of the fates from Hercules, Clotho, Atropos, and Lachesis are seen in a beautiful foglike background with the colors of purple and pink. Purple being most of the background with a bit of pink in the middle of the fates. A glowing orb surrounded by the color blue is seen in the middle of fates right above the fate Atropos. The floating orb happens to be their one shared eyeball. Atropos is the shortest between the three of them, her head is sort of the shape of a deformed oval with three tentacles connected to them. Two on the sides of her head and one right on top of it. She also only has one eye socket with a very wide mouth filled with sharp teeth and she can be seen giving a mischievous smile. The fate on the left is known as Clotho and she is seen holding and sort of stretching a thread, known as the thread of life. Her features include long bony arms and fingers with a very prominent long and pointy nose. She unlike Clotho, has two eye sockets with a small but pointy nose. Clotho also happens to be the tallest out of the three. The last fate is seen all the way to the right, Lachesis, with her hands slightly waving in the air out of amusement. Her feature includes a very long and pointy chin with a couple wavy hairs, three on each side of her head. He also has two eye sockets with a pointy nose. A thing to add is that all of the fates also have on black coats with the hood part on their head. So, to sum it all up, the movie Hercules portrays the three fates with having very prominent features. Clotho with her long and pointy nose, Atropos with her one eye socket and large mouth with pointy teeth, and finally Lachesis with her very long and pointy chin.
The spindly fates are seen here as old crones with outlandish features. On the left of the image, Clotho is seen holding the thread life. In the middle of the image Atropos has her attention on Clotho wielding the string. To the right of Atropos is Lachesis who is moving her hands as she describes the future to Hades. Floating above all three fate is a glowing blue orb, which is technically their shared eyeball. The blue orb is playing the future that Hades has requested to see.

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The Fates in the Disney movie, Hercules (1997), play an integral part in the plot. After Hercules is born, Hades is overcome with the urge to call a meeting with the Fates to inquire whether Hercules will interfere in his plan to take over both Mount Olympus and the world. The Fates are reluctant at first, but Hades utilizes flattery and a smidge of groveling to get them to tell him the future. With their singular shared eye, the Fates show Hades how he will be able overthrow Zeus in 18 years once the planets are in the utmost alignment. However, if Hercules interferes this will not be so. The Fates ultimately inspire Hades to take action with his plan to boot Zeus off his throne without hindrance from Hercules. Hades cannot kill a God, so he has his "minions" Pain and Panic steal infant Hercules away and give him an elixir to turn him mortal.

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    Gerald Scarfe
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    The Walt Disney Company
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    The Walt Disney Company