Percy Jackson and the Olympians - The Lightning Thief

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The cover for the book titled "The Lightning Thief" depicts Percy Jackson standing on top of a statue of Poseidon with the New York City skyline in the background. This visibly shows his relation to his father, the god of the sea Poseidon, while striking a chord by bringing Greek mythology into modern city surroundings.
The cover for the book titled "The Lightning Thief" depicts Percy Jackson standing on top of a statue of Poseidon with the New York City skyline in the background. This visibly shows his relation to his father, the god of the sea Poseidon, while striking a chord by bringing Greek mythology into modern city surroundings.

Full description

"The Lightning Thief", the first in Rick Riordan's "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" series, is an introduction to a twelve-year-old Percy Jackson, who discovers that he isn't human but actually a demigod son of Poseidon, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. Percy should find Zeus's stolen lightning bolt and avert a war between the gods. He is, therefore, an instrumental character as far as the plot is concerned because his powers turn Percy towards watery abilities due to his inheritance. As he had vowed not to have any children who were demigods, it makes Percy, in general, a "forbidden" child and adds some tension to the plot. This conflict between Poseidon and Zeus fuels the main drive of the plot, and Percy's ever-changing relationship with his divine father discusses family and identity issues. Throughout the book, Riordan deftly updates Greek mythology by placing gods like Poseidon in modern settings, but with their actual gods' roles and personalities intact, so that the ancient and modern worlds blend seamlessly together.

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  • type
  • created on
  • file format
  • file size
    778 KB
  • container title
    The Lightning Thief
  • creator
    Rick Riordan
  • isbn
  • issn
  • original publisher
    Bantam Books & Miramax Books
  • original publisher place
    New York City, New York
  • publisher
    Disney Publishing Group & Hyperion Books
  • publisher place
    Disney • Hyperion Books, 125 West End Avenue, New York, New York 10023.
  • rights
    Copyright © 2005 by Rick Riordan Cover illustration © 2014 by John Rocco Cover design by SJI Associates, Inc.
  • rights holder
    Rick Riordan
  • rights territory
    United States of America
  • series number
  • series title
    Percy Jackson and the Olympians