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black background with a copper-foil woman's face. There is text reading "BY THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE SONG OF ACHILLES," below this it reads "CIRCE A Novel Madeline Miller"

Full description

Circe, daughter of the sun god Helios, is a strange child--she has neither her father's power or her mother's allure. As such, she lives a life as an outcast in her father's house. When she discovers her affinity for witchcraft, adept in potions, herbs, and the art of transformation, she is banished for her power to a remote island. Here she hones her craft, and her path crosses with many famed figures of Greek mythology. However, Circe's life upon the island is soon threatened by a vengeful Olympian, and she must choose between the gods of her birth and the mortals who she has come to hold near to her heart.

Published April 10, 2018

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  • file size
    48 KB
  • creator
    Madeline Miller
  • publisher
    Little, Brown and Company
  • publisher place
    Boston, Massachusetts