Pushing the Boundaries: Experimental Theatre Project at the History Museum at the Castle

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  • Jacquelyn Coleman, Museology Graduate Program
  • Chair: Angelina Ong
  • Scott Magelssen
  • Erin Comer
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Theatre has been utilized in the museum field for over 60 years mainly starting with dioramas and living history theatre to currently improvisation, scripted plays, and performance art. Museum theatre programming is known for widening audience engagement, livening up static collections, and also increasing a deep emotional connection with visitors and the subject matter. Avant-garde theatre is utilized to captivate an audience through its edgy entertainment and thought-provoking ambiguity. Instead of being plot driven, it relies on sound, lighting, and movement to tell a story. The purpose of this project was to create a theatre program which uses an avant-garde acting interpretative approach to attract Millennial and Generation Z visitors for the History Museum at the Castle. The project involved writing a script, collaborating with the museum staff and a university, directing a student performer, and conducting long distance Zoom rehearsals, recording a final performance, and editing with iMovie software. The project also explored the further understanding of how a virtual theatre program can be effective with the use of new formats and technologies with crossing theatre and film mediums. The end product resulted in a program script, a portfolio of photos from the production of the program, a video recording of the show itself, and a how-to guide. The museum posted the program on their Facebook page with a follow-up survey for audience feedback. Current survey feedback indicates positive reactions on the experimental style. The museum is also currently using best practices from this project on future programs.


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Pushing the Boundaries: Experimental Theatre Project at the History Museum at the Castle

Video Presentation