A Journey Through Latin America

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  • Cristal Marie Seda Santiago, Museology Graduate Program
  • Chair: Lane Eagles
  • Pamela Maldonado
  • Marisol Berrios-Miranda

  • Contact the authors


"A Journey Through Latin America" explores the needs of Hispanic families in King County and visitors of the Burke Museum with the addition of the impact of creating a bilingual museum guide. As the Latino population continues to increase, it's important for museums to reflect their communities in their programming. This includes providing dedicated programs and materials that cater to the needs of Hispanic students and learners. Bilingual programming aims to offer a fair and inclusive experience for Hispanic families composed of multiple generations. To develop this project, a front-end evaluation was conducted with Latino and Hispanic individuals to understand their preferences for a cultural space. Comment cards also indicated a strong demand for museum guides in languages other than English and Spanish among the general public of the Burke Museum, emphasizing the need for increased language accessibility. The feedback gathered from the evaluation process helped create a special museum guide specifically designed for Latino and Hispanic families. The deliverable of this project is a bilingual museum guide that showcases Hispanic and Latin American belongings and perspectives. It features a collection of items from various countries and cultures within Latin America, displayed in the museum's permanent exhibitions. The guide serves as a model for enhancing the representation and engagement of Latino and Hispanic communities in cultural institutions, fostering a more inclusive and diverse museum experience.


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A Journey Through Latin America

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