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Story Board | UW Libraries' Participatory Activities Workbook
Story Board
Download an activity template on the right.
Full description
- Use as a vision exercise, to show a topic in its ideal
- Surface approaches to solving a problem
- To create a shared vision of how users will interact and use a final product
Facilitation Instructions
- Working in two groups or individually, you will create rough drawings to convey how users will interact with the project, once finished. This will help us to have a shared vision of this project and its goals.
- Designate one person to draw with paper and pen/pencil or online template.
- The others in the group will ideate and help direct the drawing
- With the prompts, visualize who the users are and how they will interact with the concept.
- Take a picture of your storyboard and upload it to the designated slide.
- Tips
- Keep it short - less than 10 panels
- Showing over saying
- Pictures, not perfection
Products Generated
- A visual representation of the how how users would interact with a product, how to solve a problem, or a description of an experience.
Time/Commitment Needed
- Primary Activity
- Facilitation tool / supplementary activity
Additional Materials
- Storyboard That
- For a storyboard paper template, see the Design Methods Toolkit
Download presentation “Story Board”
- typePresentation
- created on
- file formatpptx
- file size111 KB
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