Using Padlet to Encourage Community and Discussion in Online Learning

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  • Kristiina Hurme, Biology, UW Seattle
  • Abdullah Bhurgri, Biology, UW Seattle
  • Lauren Hodge, Biology, UW Seattle
  • Abdulazeem Jimoh, Biology, UW Seattle
  • Sharon Kang, Biology, UW Seattle
  • Areeba Misbah, Biology, UW Seattle
  • Sajal Sanan, Biology, UW Seattle


Fostering community among students and faculty can be challenging during online learning, resulting in the need for faculty to incorporate innovative active learning and asynchronous platforms. We used an online tool to create community during Autumn 2020 in an upper level Biology course with 71 undergraduates. Instruction was entirely online, with asynchronous pre-recorded lectures and optional synchronous Zoom discussions.

We used Padlet, a free multimedia platform, as an attractive visual tool to create online discussion boards that students could use in real time while attending Zoom sessions and review after class. Students appreciated the visual nature and ease of use when compared with traditional discussion boards (e.g. Canvas).

Padlet has numerous settings and templates that can be adapted to a given objective. We chose to have students post their initial questions anonymously, which students reported allowed them to ask questions without worrying that they were trivial, creating a more equitable learning environment. Students were kept engaged, and collectively created a collaborative study guide for each lecture. Therefore students who couldn't attend synchronously could still interact with classmates asynchronously.

Students used weekly self-reflection to self-report on their own participation and contribution to discussion. Student reception was overwhelmingly positive and based on anonymous student course evaluations, 100% of students responded “excellent” and “very good” when asked if they felt supported as part of a learning community and encouraged to be thinking of new questions.

Students are most receptive to new material if given the opportunity to work with others and improve their understanding. Padlet gives instructors the opportunity to both control discussion around the new material, but also let students clarify what they thought was most challenging. Padlet can be easily adapted to any course, and based on our feedback Padlet is already being implemented into multiple Winter biology courses.

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The presenter for this poster will be available to respond to comments during Poster Session 1 on April 20, 2:00-2:50 p.m.