Powerpoint -- Reducing Customs and Border Protection's 100-Mile Enforcement Zone in Washington State

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By Soogil Sun, Sadiiq Mohamed, and Anirit Bansal. We are a group of students enrolled in the Geog 469 Geographic Information Systems Workshop course. Our project is on the topic of a 100-mile border enforcement zone in the State of Washington. We conducted a comprehensive study of spatio-temporal data of enforcement actions throughout the region, to propose a reasonable distance for the border enforcement zone across the state. The presentation will begin with a brief introduction of our team and our sponsor (Project On Government Oversight (POGO)). Next, we will provide history and context of the 100-Mile Border Enforcement Zone, to illustrate why it has become outdated and in need of change. We will then describe our data, which consists of scraped content from ICE/CBP I-213 forms obtained by UWCHR, and elucidate the spatial-temporal analysis process we have conducted using ArcGIS, Tableau, and Python. Through the analysis, we will demonstrate current trends in the apprehension within the region. Lastly, we will present our proposal for a reasonable border enforcement zone in the State of Washington based on our analysis.