Virtual Reality in Academic Health Sciences Libraries
A Primer
by Michael T. MooreTania P. BardynAdam GarrettDeric RuhlGili Meerovitch
The University of Washington Health Sciences Libraries' how-to primer for academic health sciences libraries interested in introducing virtual reality into their spaces and services.
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Virtual Reality in Academic Health Sciences Libraries: A Primer
by Tania P. Bardyn, Adam Garrett, Deric Ruhl, Gili Meerovitch
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University of Washington Libraries
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Seattle, WA
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
“Virtual Reality into Academic Health Sciences Libraries: A Primer” by Michael T. Moore, Tania P. Bardyn, Adam Garrett, Deric Ruhl, and Gili Meerovitch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
rights holder
University of Washington Libraries
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