French 376
Early Modern France
A collection of edited texts from the 17th and 18th centuries, transcribed and translated by students in French 376 in AU2020, with critical annotations and introductions.

Wikimedia Commons
Ballet Ridicule des Nièces de Mazarin, ed. Ana Archer
Ballet Ridicule Des Nièces de Mazarin, ou Leur Théâtre Renversé En France
This is a translation into modern French of the mazarinade, "Ballet Ridicule Des Nièces De Mazarin Ou Leur Théâtre Renversé" that includes important historical annotations.
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Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, Molière, ed. Madeline Legate
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme
Translation of a comédie-ballet written by Molière that critiques social climbing and French classism, staring the absurd and pretentious bourgeois Monsieur Jourdain.
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L'esprit de la France, ed. Juliet Romano-Olsen
L’Esprit de la France et les Maximes de Louïs XIV – Découvertes à l’Europeà Cologne, chez Pierre Marteau
Transcription and translation of clandestine text from 1688 criticising King Louis XIV.
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A Monsieur de Broussel, Mazarinade, ed. Jacob Lucas
A Monsieur de Broussel, Conseiller du Roi au Parlement de Paris.
A Mazarinade focusing on M. Broussel and his good deeds to defend the French people from the evils of the regency.
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Lettre à Louis XIV, Fénelon, ed. Angela Jordan
Lettre de Fénélon à King Louis XIV
A transcription of the letter that Fénélon wrote to King Louis XIV.
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The Political Testament Of M. Jean-Baptiste Colbert, ed. Isobel Williamson
The Political Testament Of M. Jean-Baptiste Colbert
Colbert's Political Testament, examining his economic policy under Louis XIV.
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