Museum of Greek and Roman Mythology, Su '23
CLAS 430 Summer 2023
The Museum of Greek and Roman Mythology is a digital instantiation of a museum in the original sense of a place for the Muses and the arts they inspire. Additionally, it is a museum in the sense exemplified by the Museum of Alexandria: a place for scholars to engage in research.
This museum consists of both a collection of media related to Greek and Roman myth and a collection of scholarship on these mythological media produced by the students of Classics 430.
Visitors to the museum are encouraged to take a tour through the places and spaces of Greco-Roman myth and explore their divine and mortal inhabitants through the collections of texts and resources.
Background image: ruins of the Temple of Olympian Zeus at Athens, Jan. 15, 2006, CC BY-SA 2.5
Cover image: Oedipus and the sphinx, Attic red-figure kylix, ca. 475 BC, Gregorian Etruscan Museum, Vatican City
Curators' Remarks
by Lupe Valtierra-Prieto, Allan DaoPublished- This text has 5 annotations
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AphroditeEmily Huynh and Grace Stewart Curator Remarks
by Emily Truc Nhi Huynh, Grace V StewartPublished- This text has 9 annotations
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by Iris Zhou, Kiera T NguyenPublished- This text has 6 annotations
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Athena and her Various Names - Curator's Remarks
by Joanna Pollner, Sravani PanugantiPublished- This text has 8 annotations
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The Fates/MoiraiCurators' Remarks; Hannah McDavid and Abrie Molano
by Abrie Molano, Hannah McdavidPublished- This text has 5 annotations
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by Zilani Kazembe, Nithya SubramanianPublished- This text has 4 annotations
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Heracles"The Choice of Hercules" by Annibale Carracci
by Hewad PopalPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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HermesEthan Jarvik and Elias Scott De Martinville
by Ethan Aristides Jarvik, Elias Louis Scott De MartinvillePublished- This text has 1 annotation
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by Gabriel Sebastian BrockPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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by Ethan Everett Thomas, Julia LopezPublished- This text has 8 annotations
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Odysseus and Circe
by Ailie Rose Macmillan, Galina V Kim, Larkin Ella Marie Hobart DimeffPublished- This text has 2 annotations
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Orpheus and Eurydice
by Young You, Robinson NguyenPublished- This text has 5 annotations
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by Byron Henry Jeter, Lucas HuguetPublished- This text has 5 annotations
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by Marie La FondPublished- This text has 1 annotation
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The Fate Of Persephone
by Jasper Lucas Fay, Victoria Isabel RinconPublished- This text has 4 annotations
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Theseus And The Minotaur Amphora
by Asmit Sinha, Rena Esther WuPublished- This text has 1 annotation
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by Lynn Aku Brown, Davin TjiaPublished- This text has 2 annotations
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